In a joyful Mass at the Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption, four women professed their Perpetual Vows as Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan.
Deacon John Albert Moeggenberg, 91, of Shepherd, Midland, Traverse City, Cedar and Lakeland, passed away on June 6. While he will be missed, his legacy of helping to build the Kingdom of God remains.
On Aug. 12, Bishop Robert Gruss celebrated Mass with the priests of our diocese and blessed those priests celebrating a special jubilee anniversary of their ordination to the priesthood.
The International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Β Our Lady of Fatima visited parishes across the Diocese of Saginaw with the blessing of Bishop Robert Gruss.
On Sunday, Feb. 18, more than 500 faithful from parishes throughout the diocese gathered at the Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption in Saginaw for the Rite of Election.