At Rite of Election, Bishop Gruss challenges the faithful: “We are sent out into the world to transform it.”
On Sunday, Feb. 18, more than 500 faithful from parishes throughout the diocese gathered at the Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption in Saginaw for the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion. This is the final period of spiritual formation before the elect and candidates receive the Easter sacraments.
Those who are not yet baptized, are referred to as “the elect” (previously called “catechumens”) and those who are already baptized but are not yet in full communion with the Catholic Church are called “candidates.”
During the Rite of Election, the elect and candidates publicly profess their desire to come into full communion with the Catholic Church.
During his homily, Bishop Gruss offered encouragement and ensured the elect and candidates that the Holy Spirit would assist them in living out their baptismal call. He emphasized that in accepting the Lord’s invitation to come into full communion with the Church, the Lord was inviting them into Christ’s mission.
“Unfortunately, people perceive themselves as members of a church rather than servants of Christ’s mission. That’s what you’re saying ‘yes’ to today, to be servants of Christ’s mission, not a member of your parish,” he said. “We are confirmed and then sent out into the world to transform it. That’s what you’re saying ‘yes’ to today. This is the most important decision, my dear friends, of your life!”
“This time of Lent is not about coming to know more about Jesus, but rather coming to know Jesus more in an intimate and personal way,” he said.
Bishop Gruss encouraged everyone to spend more time in prayer because we can’t get to know someone personally if we don’t spend time with them. Prayer gives us the opportunity to spend time with Jesus.
“My dear catechumens and candidates, as you move forward toward full communion with us, I want you to be assured of our prayers. Know that the entire Church will accompany you on this journey to the joys of Easter and eternal life,” he said.
At the Easter Vigil, 148 elect and candidates will be received into full communion at their parishes, nearly double the amount from 2023.
"I'm overjoyed that my wife and children are all being received into full communion with the Church this Easter," said Pierre Ruvuza, who accompanied his family at the Rite of Election. The Ruvuza family attends St. Agnes Parish in Freeland.
“The Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion celebration is an amazing opportunity to see the Holy Spirit at work in our Diocese through the ministry of our parishioners and parish staff,” said Peg McEvoy, coordinator of faith and catechist formation for the Diocese. “This celebration leaves no doubt that the Holy Spirit is on the move in our Diocese!”
Please pray for the elect and candidates who will be received into full communion with the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. Come Holy Spirit!