Annual golf outing and banquet a testament to vocation support
It was a perfect day for golf on Wednesday and a great night for fellowship and dining on Thursday as guests from throughout the Catholic Diocese of Saginaw came out in force to support our current seminarians and future vocations. Bishop Robert Gruss hosted the golf outing on Sept. 11, which had 26 foursomes each in morning and afternoon flights, and more than 350 guests for a dinner and program on Sept. 12.
“The full golf course and the packed banquet space are true testaments to how much people throughout the Diocese of Saginaw care about our current and future seminarians and priests. I am immensely grateful for not only those who golfed and who came to dinner, but also to the many, many sponsors, donors and volunteers,” Bishop Gruss said. “The funds generated is wonderful; and the awareness raised about vocations is of overwhelming importance to the future of our Diocese.”
In addition to putting their long and short games to the test at Currie Golf Course in Midland, golfers were very generous with their support of raffles and course games. One of those fun “extras” had Nouvel Catholic Central High School golf team members stationed at select holes to take a putt for teams to “read the green” for participants – for a price.
Each flight has winners divided into three categories: all male teams; mixed or all female teams; and Knights of Columbus teams.
The morning flight winners were:
All male team: led by Kirk Carlisle, from St. Brigid Parish, Midland
Mixed team: led by Dick Blazejewski from Holy Spirit Parish, Shields
Knights of Columbus team: Father Flajole Council #2986, Pinconning
The afternoon flight proved quite competitive with all three categories of winners in “scorecard playoffs.” With ties in each category, the winners were determined by the better score on the most difficult hole on the course.
They afternoon flight winners were:
All male team: led by Ray Skrabut from Holy Trinity Parish, Pinconning
Mixed team: led by Colleen Snyder from St. Mark Parish, AuGres
Knights of Columbus team: Cardinal Hickey Council #14056, Midland
Guests at the Thursday dinner at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Bay City were treated to presentations by Bishop Gruss and keynote Dr. Marcus Peter, show host and director of theology at Ave Maria Radio. Both spoke about the importance of nurturing vocations within families, parishes and communities. A wide variety of silent and live auction items, donated by diocesan artists, business owners and parishioners were open for bids. Thanks to special help from the All Saints Catholic Middle and High School JV football team, who acted as “auction runners” for those wanting to continue bidding on silent auction items.