St. Joseph the Worker Catholic School
"The Way the Parents and Staff Work Together Make St. Joseph the Worker Special."
"The Way the Parents and Staff Work Together Make St. Joseph the Worker Special."
“I love my Catholic school because the community support is amazing. The way the parents and staff work together make St. Joseph the Worker special. The best part is being able to share my faith with my students.” - Laurie Schafer, fourth grade teacher
“I love St. Joseph the Worker because the teachers teach us new things everyday, and we learn about God. My favorite part of St. Joseph the Worker is that we can go to church. We also learn about our virtues and in religion class. We learn about new things and make new friends." -Matilda Schafer, fourth grade
“My favorite part of St. Joseph the Worker is that we are able to learn. Our school is special because we get to go to church. I love St. Joseph the Worker because they help us learn and we get to talk about God.” - Leo Schafer, kindergarten
“My favorite part of St. Joseph the Worker is you get to learn. I like to learn math and art. We learn different prayers and we get to go to church. I love St. Joseph the Worker because you get to learn, have fun and the teachers are very nice.” - Bennett Block, second grade
“My favorite part about St. Joseph the Worker is my teachers. My school is special because of the good education and the teachers. I love my peers and friends.” - Ashlyn Thielen, sixth grade
“I practice my faith by serving at Mass. St. Joseph the worker is special because of the caring staff. I love my school because of the great education.” - Sawyer Trommater, sixth grade
“I like it when we have assemblies. Our school is special because we go to church. I learn about my faith in religion class. I love St. Joseph the Worker because of the teachers.” -Lillie Wilson, fifth grade