Sacred Heart Academy
“At Sacred Heart, We Have a Special Thing – We Get to Praise Jesus!”
“At Sacred Heart, We Have a Special Thing – We Get to Praise Jesus!”
“My favorite part of Sacred Heart Academy is being able to share my faith with my students. We practice our faith and read Bible stories together. I love Sacred Heart because of the supportive and faith-filled atmosphere. The ability to share my faith with my students brings me closer to Christ and strengthens my faith.” -Laurie Simon, second grade teacher
“I love Sacred Heart because we really care about Jesus! I pray every day. Sacred Heart Academy is special because we have a church.” -Reagan Block, second grade
“We pray and we learn a lot. It’s fun!” -Payton Sopha, second grade
“Everybody knows each other, so we are all like one big family. At Sacred Heart, we have a special thing – we get to praise Jesus!” - Emmy Edwards, sixth grade
“I love Sacred Heart because I love learning about Jesus! We talk about Jesus every morning. We have the best teachers!” - Lillian Mason, kindergarten
“We talk about Jesus at school, home and everywhere! I think Sacred Heart is special because we get to go to church.” - Ayden Nieten, kindergarten
“Everybody is nice, we pray every day and we get to go to church when other schools don’t. My favorite part of Sacred Heart Academy is everybody is so nice!” - Jaxon Moore, sixth grade
“I love my students! I love the community at Sacred Heart Academy and how I know all my students’ names.” - Nikki Taylor, music teacher
Sacred Heart Academy offers specials such as music, art, physical education, computer studies and band for elementary students.