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 | By Erin Looby Carlson

Plans Are Underway for a Nationwide Eucharistic Revival

I recently heard a beautiful homily about keeping holy the Sabbath. It was about God’s desire for us to slow down, reorder our lives toward Him and, yes, rest.

In a world that values being busy and having everything fast (think fast food, fast internet, 2-day shipping), our Lord calls us to take time to rest in him. He understands the importance of setting aside one day out of seven for Him. More and more often today, however, the Lord’s Day is treated like any other day of the week. Mass attendance, which has been declining for decades, has reached all-time lows in the wake of the pandemic. Yes, many have returned, but many thousands have not. (And, of course, there are many who long to be present and cannot for health reasons).

This is not something that aff ects only us here in the Diocese of Saginaw, but is of growing concern across our country.

Among the reasons which keep people from coming to Mass each week is a lack of understanding of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. It is for this reason that the U.S. bishops announced a national “Eucharistic Revival” to begin next year. The aim is to begin a fire, not a program, which seeks to “renew the Church by enkindling a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.”

In this issue of FAITH Saginaw, I encourage you to read Bishop Gruss’ column on the gift and grace of the Eucharist, learn about the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano in Faith Matters, and hear the inspiring personal testimonies of one of our priests and two of our parishioners regarding the Eucharist in their lives.

While planning is still underway, may we begin praying together for Eucharistic Revival here in our Diocese of Saginaw.

Come Holy Spirit!

Erin Looby Carlson is Editor of Faith Saginaw Magazine and Director of Communications for the Catholic Diocese of Saginaw.