Permanent Deacon Jubilee Celebration
In honor of Deacon John Moeggenberg’s 45th anniversary as a permanent deacon, clergy and other guests from across the diocese joined Bishop Robert Gruss for Mass at the diocesan Center for Ministry on Oct. 10. Deacon John has served for decades in Traverse City but still remains a deacon of the Diocese of Saginaw. Due to health challenges, he was not able to join the celebration in person.
Permanent deacons are ordained in the sacrament of Holy Orders to a threefold ministry of service in charity, word and liturgy. To learn more about this vocation, visit saginaw.org/permanent-deacons or call the Office of the Permanent Diaconate at 989-797-6662.This could be in a little popout box or in a different font style:
Applications for the Permanent Deacon Program are only offered once every four years. The next opportunity to apply will be at an informational meeting on Sept. 10, 2024 at 6:30 pm at the Center for Ministry, 5802 Weiss Street, Saginaw. Please RSVP at the above phone number if you would like to attend.