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Migrant Mass

Faithful farmworkers from across the Thumb gathered for the annual Misa de los Campesinos (Migrant Mass) at St. Agatha Church, Our Lady Consolata Parish, Gagetown, Michigan, on July 18. The bilingual Mass was celebrated by Bishop Robert Gruss with Father Craig Carolan, Father Stephen Blaxton and Father Nate Harburg concelebrating and Deacon Larry Gayton serving. Deacon David Gillespie, director of parish life for Our Lady Consolata Parish, hosted this event.

Following the Mass, those gathered enjoyed a hot meal and fellowship.

“De la misa a la mesa. From the Mass to the table,” quipped Deacon Larry, who serves as the director of multicultural ministry for the Diocese of Saginaw. He explained, we are fed at the Table of the Lord at Mass then gather around the table for fellowship. 

Our Lady Consolata Parish’s generous migrant ministry operates a food pantry for migrant workers, which was open before and after the Mass. Great Lakes Bay Health Centers also offered medical and dental services through their mobile clinic. To learn more about migrant ministry in the Diocese, visit