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Clerical Assignments - July/August 2023


Bishop Robert Gruss announced the following clerical and parish assignments, effective July 1:

Retiring to senior priest status:

Father Richard Bokinskie retiring as pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas, Saginaw.

Father John Mancini, OSFS retiring as pastor of St. Francis de Sales Parish, Bridgeport.

Father Prentice Tipton retiring as rector of the Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption, Saginaw, and pastor of Holy Family Parish, Saginaw.


Father Nicholas Coffaro to pastor of Our Lady of Czestochowa Parish, Bay City.

Father Steven Gavit to pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Saginaw.

Father Adam Maher to rector of the Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption, Saginaw, and pastor of Holy Family Parish, Saginaw.

Father Christian Tabares continuing as pastor of St. Agnes Parish, Freeland, and assigned pastor of St. John Vianney Parish, Saginaw.

Father Alberto Vargas continuing as pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Saginaw, judicial vicar of tribunal and assigned pastor of St. Francis de Sales Parish, Bridgeport.

Father Kevin Wojciechowski to pastor of Holy Name of Mary Parish, Harbor Beach.

Parochial Administrators:

Father Baltha Raj Bandaru to parochial administrator of St. Peter Parish, Chesaning, and St. Cyril Parish, Bannister.

Father Marc Hopps to parochial Administrator of St. Gabriel Parish, Auburn.

Father Richard John to parochial administrator of St. Dominic Parish, Saginaw.

Parochial Vicars:

Father Matthew Gembrowski to parochial vicar of St. Brigid of Kildare Parish, Midland, and St. Mary University Parish, Mount Pleasant.

Sacramental Ministers:

Father James Wm. Bessert to senior priest status and remaining sacramental minister at St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Bay City.

Father Richard Filary to senior priest status and sacramental minister at Assumption Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Midland, and appointed defender of the bond.

Re-appointed to current assignments:

Father Andrew Booms, pastor of St. Brigid of Kildare Parish, Midland, and St. Mary University Parish, Mount Pleasant, reappointed for a second six-year term.

Father John Cotter, pastor of St. Michael Parish, Maple Grove, and Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish, St. Charles, reappointed for another year.

Father Loren Kalinowski, pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, Mount Pleasant, reappointed for another year.

Father Dale Orlik, pastor of St. Jude Thaddeus Parish, Essexville, reappointed for another year.

Director of Parish Life

Sister Janet Pewoski, CSJ retiring as director of parish life from St. John Vianney, Saginaw.