Celebrating more than 40 years of Lay Ministry Commissioning, Missioning and Renewal
Faithful from across the Diocese of Saginaw gathered for the Eucharistic Liturgy Celebrating over 40 years of Lay Ministry Commissioning, Missioning and Renewal on Sunday, Oct. 22, at the Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption in Saginaw.
Bishop Robert Gruss celebrated the Mass, during which lay ministry candidates were commissioned and missioned. Current lay ministers also renewed their commitments or obtained permanent status.
The lay ministers commissioned or missioned at this year's liturgy were:
- Jocelynn Jacobs
- Ron Jakubczak
- Jim LaMay
- Jennifer Phillips
- Jackie Redwanz
- Laura Sira
- Lynn Stamiris
- Frank Tomsich
- Krista Willertz
The Diocesan Lay Ministry Formation Program helps prepare Catholic adults for ministry by expanding their knowledge of Scripture and Catholic theology, helping them live their baptismal call in service to others and strengthens their relationship with God through prayer, retreats and spiritual formation.