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 | By Kellie K. Deming, Director of Parish Life and Evangelization

The Seven Tenets of Catholic Social Teaching: Care for God’s Creation

There is a lot of discussion around the environment these days. Whether it is the debate regarding electric versus traditional cars, plastic in the ocean or the larger topic of global warming, the environment seems to be foremost in many people’s thoughts.

As Catholics, one of our Catholic Social Teachings is Care for God’s Creation, and this helps to explain to us how we should view the environment we live in. In order to show respect to God, who is the Creator of all, we need to be good stewards of this creation. Care for the earth should not only be celebrated on Earth Day, but every day!

We are not only invited to protect people and our planet, we are also called to this action by virtue of our baptism. Pope Francis states in Laudato Si: “We are faced not with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather with one complex crisis which is both social and environmental. Strategies for a solution demand an integrated approach to combating poverty, restoring dignity to the excluded, and at the same time protecting nature.” (#139)

As we move into the summer months here in Mid-Michigan, when we naturally spend more time outdoors, reflect on the following:  How is the call to care for God’s creation connected with our concern for the life and dignity of every person, and what steps can I take to make a difference?