More Tips for Creating Strong Catholic Homes
In last month’s column, we offered some ideas to create Catholic homes that foster strong roots of faith and discipleship by seeing Christ and hearing Christ in our homes. We know that our faith stretches far beyond Sunday Mass, and as Catholic Christians, we are called to believe and be visible signs of Jesus in action all the days of the week. This must begin in the home.
In last month’s column, we offered some ideas to create Catholic homes that foster strong roots of faith and discipleship by seeing Christ and hearing Christ in our homes. We know that our faith stretches far beyond Sunday Mass, and as Catholic Christians, we are called to believe and be visible signs of Jesus in action all the days of the week. This must begin in the home.
Christ in action in our homes
Seeing, hearing and believing make up the foundation that allow us to fulfill the plan God has for each of us, but putting these into action is our true mission. The activity in a Catholic home needs to be Christ-centered. The things we do in our families should lead us to Christ. My mother always said that our children were a gift; they belonged to God and they were on loan to us. She also reminded us often that if we borrowed something, we were to return it in better condition than when it was lent to us, and in her eyes, that included children too. When we remember that our children are precious to Christ, it should remind us that we have the obligation and the honor of forming them as strong Catholics and surrounding them with the attitudes and practices that will help them earn the reward of eternal life.
Our homes should be places of charitable conversation, helpfulness and compassion. We need to put mercy into action as we forgive easily and desire each other’s holiness. Praying with and for each other should be a daily happening, including encouraging our kids to truly see and bring into family prayer the lost, the lonely, the sick and the hurting. Kids learn to love their neighbor by seeing their parents practice it, so make love of neighbor a family priority. Since our faithfulness isn’t just a “Sunday thing,” be sure to engage the family in prayer, service and generosity throughout the week.
Christ beyond our homes
When we read the Children’s Bible at bedtime, pray before meals at home and in public, and work to see Christ in each other, we build a strong foundation. When we pray with each other and serve as Jesus calls us to as a family, those become traditions and second nature. When Sunday Mass is the biggest non-negotiable of the week, our kids grow up knowing the value of worship and priority. When our homes are places of mercy, forgiveness and compassion, our children take that into the world and someday into homes of their own. It’s one thing to know about Jesus, but it’s quite another to know who he is. If knowing Jesus is a focus in your home, your family, your faith and perhaps even your part of the world will be enhanced and enriched. The Father is counting on us to make our homes places where he is honored, known, welcomed, loved and shared.
Sheri Wohlfert is a Catholic school teacher, speaker, writer and founder of Joyful Words Ministries. Sheri blogs at www.joyfulwords.org.