How the Mass can strengthen your marriage
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Sunday mornings can be a struggle getting the family to Mass. If it’s even possible to get to the same Mass, couples might have to go in two cars to accommodate the sleepover pickup, different religious education times, the reluctant teen who slept too late or the after-Mass travel to a game or event. At times, miscommunication or just too much juggling of parenting needs can lead to a couple coming to Mass feeling frazzled or disconnected.
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Sunday mornings can be a struggle getting the family to Mass. If it’s even possible to get to the same Mass, couples might have to go in two cars to accommodate the sleepover pickup, different religious education times, the reluctant teen who slept too late or the after-Mass travel to a game or event. At times, miscommunication or just too much juggling of parenting needs can lead to a couple coming to Mass feeling frazzled or disconnected.
Other times, married couples might enter into the liturgy at a high point together, having enjoyed a nice date the night before and a relaxing Sunday morning as a family leading up to Mass – deeply in touch with gratitude for one another. No matter which reality we find ourselves in on a given weekend, the Mass can transform and strengthen our marital relationship.
If we reflect on what we are doing at Mass, we become more aware of not only our time, but how it is joined with God’s time. In other words, at Mass, we become aware of a reality that is sacred, beyond just the here and now. In this sacred moment, in union with the priest, we participate in the sacrifice of the Mass by offering everything we have to God. The Mass is a place and time where all our marital successes and failures – the good times and the bad – come together as an offering of praise and thanksgiving to God. Gifted with a glimpse of the whole of our marriage through the experience of the Mass, we can weather some of our present difficulties with more confidence and perspective. Our deeper union with Christ strengthens the love within us and makes us more capable of loving and supporting each other. We participate in the Mass and seek to strengthen our relationship with Christ through the support and love we offer one another.
Mass is both a public and communal gathering of the faithful. Here, we not only can become more aware of the sacred in our individual relationship, but we also share with the entire Christian community the story of God’s grace in our marriage. As we file in the pew week after week with our family, whether we are of one mind or feel some distance from each other, we are sharing the story of how our imperfect but holy union communicates God’s love for the world.
Tracy Rodenborn lives in East Greenwich, Rhode Island, with her husband, Steve, and four children. Having had ministry positions in Catholic parishes and high schools throughout the county, she now works with the University of Notre Dame’s Satellite Theological Education Program.