Local middle and high school students gather for pro-life workshop
Mary Carmen Zakrajsek from Students for Life hosted a Student Squad pro-life workshop for local middle and high school students at St. Agnes Parish in Freeland on Feb. 11. Her goal is to empower and equip young people to have informed and loving conversations with their peers regarding pro-life issues.
Mary Carmen led engaging discussions and activities with the small group of students.
“They were very much invested. They asked good questions,” said Lori Becker, coordinator of diocesan outreach.
Minerva Gonzalez, coordinator of youth and young adult ministry, noted that the students were very attentive and eager to learn how to dialogue with others about the issue of abortion and how to support families once a baby is born.
Mary Carmen discussed how young people could talk about abortion with others and what resources are available to help expecting parents.
“She talked about the dignity of life and how everyone deserves dignity from womb to tomb,” Becker said. “The youth of today are our future, and they have to be aware of what’s happening in our world. These kinds of workshops are so valuable to help them understand how to talk about it and stand up for the right thing.”
The local Student Squad is already planning to host another workshop to help the group grow in number. Mary Carmen is being invited to come back and spend the day in our local schools so her message and invitation to students to be the voice of their Post-Roe Generation can be shared with more of our young people.
“It goes back to what the theme was at the (local March for Life) rally, it’s changing hearts and minds to build up a culture of life. It begins with our youth, because they do have a powerful voice,” Gonzalez said.
This event was a collaboration between the Office of Parish Life and Evangelization, Office of Catholic Schools and St. Agnes Parish. Students and pro-life advocates from the Diocese will be traveling to Lansing on Nov. 8 to participate in a statewide March for Life.
To learn more about Students for Life, visit www.studentsforlife.org. To find pregnancy and parenting resources near you, visit www.standingwithyou.org. To learn more about the USCCB’s grassroots initiative to help pregnant and parenting mothers, visit www.walkingwithmoms.com.