At local March for Life, pro-life advocates renew commitment to protect life, help families in need
In prayerful solidarity with those participating in the 50th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., Christians of all denominations gathered for a local March for Life in Saginaw on Friday, Jan. 20.
Among the many marchers was six-week-old Beckett McGregor, who was there with four generations of his family.
“I always told myself, when I had a child, I’d bring him to these Marches for Life,” said his mother, Dallas McGregor of Saginaw.
Dallas has attended eight marches with her mother, Raquel Gomez. They were joined at the Saginaw March for Life by Raquel’s mother, Vicki Escamilla and Dallas’ sister Landry Gomez. The women all belong to Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish in St. Charles.
“We planned on taking (Beckett) from the moment we found out (Dallas) was pregnant,” Raquel said. “It was important to us. We all were raised in the Catholic faith, thanks to my mother.”
Herself a new mother, Dallas felt it was even more important to attend this year’s march.
“There’s so much support out there (for moms,) even if society says there’s not,” Dallas said. “They can succeed!”
Pro-life advocates like the McGregor-Gomez-Escamilla family joined Bishop Robert Gruss and area pastors in a rally at the Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption and a peaceful march to Holy Family Catholic Church just over a mile away. There, all participated in an ecumenical prayer service, followed by a reception during which representatives of area pro-life ministries shared information about their organizations. JAM (Jesus and Music) praise and worship band provided music for both the rally and prayer service.
This year was a momentous one, both thanking God for the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide, while also acknowledging the tragedy of Michigan voters enshrining abortion on demand through all nine months of pregnancy into the state constitution with the passage of Proposal 3 in November.
The theme, “Changing Hearts and Saving Lives,” focused on spreading awareness and education of the many options available for women to choose life for their child.
“We’re here for all moms,” said Lori Becker, coordinator of diocesan outreach for the Diocese of Saginaw. “We want to listen to moms and help them during pregnancy and after their child is born. Our goal for the March for Life and our daily ministry, is to love and care for people in need.”
During the rally, several women shared how their ministries help expecting mothers or new parents with a wide variety of needs, from shelter to life skills to spiritual support.
Lisa Coleman, director of H.I.S. Restoration Ministries, shared the story of one mother they helped, who came to them while she was living out of her car and 24 weeks pregnant. Three days later, her son was born prematurely, weighing only one pound. H.I.S. Restoration Ministries provided the shelter, support and transitional help they needed for the mother to now be living on her own and working with a healthy one-year-old.
Attendees also learned about the support services offered by Life Clinic Community Resources in Bay City, Midland and Saginaw; Joshua’s House Maternity Home and Pregnancy Center in Clare; and the Walking with Moms in Need initiative at work in parishes throughout the country.
"We cannot doubt for a moment that the Spirit who gives life will continue to keep us strong in standing up for all life and its God-given dignity from conception to natural end,” Bishop Gruss said in his opening remarks. “God loves each human life from the moment of his or her conception and entrusts this gift to the protection of a mother and father. Our ultimate goal is to make abortion unthinkable, and to give women in crisis pregnancies a place to receive help, support and encouragement so that they will choose life.”
This year’s March for Life coincided with the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which runs from Jan. 18 to 25. In this ecumenical spirit, pastors from several area churches participated in the rally and prayer service: Pastors Weldon and Kathleen Townsend, Shield of Faith Ministries; Pastor Claudia Delgado, New Beginnings Ministries Outreach; Pastor Charles Coleman, New Faith Temple Church of God in Christ; and Pastor James Glenn, Center of Attraction Outreach. Deacon Librado Gayton, director of multicultural ministry in the Diocese of Saginaw, also offered a bilingual reflection.
"I am deeply grateful to leaders and members from other faith communities who have come today to join hands in prayerfully witnessing to the value of human life, from conception until natural death,” Bishop Gruss said.
“We came together as Christians united by God to show the community that we stand side by side in the protection of the sanctity of life,” Lori said. “Our love and support for those facing crisis pregnancies is what will change hearts and save lives. We will not stop fighting for life until abortion is unthinkable even if is legal.”
The event today was a testimony to the good that we all have in common, which is the commitment to love and support those in need. It is evident that by working together to spread the love of Jesus we can and will make a difference.
Several Catholic schools throughout the Diocese also participated in the March: All Saints Catholic School, Bay City; Nouvel Catholic Central High School, Saginaw; Sacred Heart Academy, Mount Pleasant; St. Brigid Catholic School, Midland; St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Reese and St. Michael Catholic School, Pinconning.
Abby Grzegorczyk, an eighth grader at St. Michael, was impressed by how many people attended the event— and by how much support they received from those driving past, honking and waving to the marchers. It was her first time participating in a March for Life.
“I thought it was so cool!” she said. “I was amazed by how many people supported (the March.)”
Students from St. Brigid agreed.
“It was very unifying,” said Amelia Corbett, an eighth grader. “I found it really interesting about how there’s so many organizations to help (expecting mothers) with everything from faith to housing.”
“I really liked the prayers. It was very reassuring to hear that if you rely on God, he will listen to your prayers,” said seventh grader Grace Pilgrim.
Marchers of all ages and denominations could surely walk away from the day’s event knowing two things: one, the God who created us loves all people, including those who are pregnant and scared, and that there are many, many people ready to be the hands and feet of Christ to help those in need.
NBC25 story "Diocese of Saginaw holding 'March for Life' in Saginaw"
ABC12 story about the local March for Life
Ministries assisting expecting mothers and new parents participating in the local March for Life included:
Life Clinic Community Resources (Midland, Bay City and Saginaw) - Offers medical and support services for women and men facing planned or unplanned pregnancy.
Hopeful Future Scholarship (Saginaw) - Assists pregnant women or new moms in continuing their college classes to achieve their dreams while choosing life.
Walking with Moms in Need - supports local pregnancy centers where they exist and finds and shares other resources with pregnant and parenting women.
Joshua’s House- Offers mothers a place to stay during their pregnancy, guidance and help as they prepare to transition to permanent housing, classes and more.
Rachel’s Vineyard – Helps moms and dads find healing after an abortion.
Mother Teresa Fund - provides financial assistance to individuals or couples experiencing limited financial resources while awaiting the birth of their child and/or during the initial period following the birth.
The Catholic Community Foundation of Mid-Michigan – Provides gifts that serve programs and ministries provided throughout the Catholic Diocese of Saginaw and beyond.
Saginaw County Right to Life – Works to restore legal protection to members of the human family who are threatened by abortion, infanticide, or euthanasia.
H.I.S. Restoration Ministries - Offers mothers a place to stay during their pregnancy and guidance and assistance as they prepare to transition to permanent housing.