Living faith intentionally with Intentional Disciples
It all began with a (future) nun.
Back in 2019, two friends, Emily Moll, now Sister Emilie-Anne-Marie of Thomas Aquinas, and Zoe Robinson launched the Young Adult Ministry Intentional Disciples (ID) Saginaw.
Hunter Swogger, ID Saginaw’s current president, was one of the original 12 to attend.
Hunter describes ID as “young adult Catholics trying to form a vibrant Body of Christ and to sanctify our area.”
Every first Thursday evening of the month, ID Saginaw hosts their Disciples’ Night at a parish in the Tri-Cities. Between 30 and 40 young adults from approximately ages 17 to 35 attend Mass, enjoy dinner together and learn how to intentionally live their faith from a local speaker.
To Hunter, the growth is not about the numbers, but the beautiful vocations that began or grew at ID. He counts a half dozen marriages that began as attendees meeting at ID, got married and are now having children. Michael Kuehne, one of the Diocese’s seminarians, also attended ID before answering God’s call. And Emily, one of the founders, is now a novice with the Sister Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus, of the Institute of Christ the King.
Those looking to go deeper can attend one of ID Saginaw’s weekly small groups. Hunter and his wife Brittany lead a group of 14 young adults who meet every Monday, “eat dinner, read a G.K. Chesterton essay and plan great events for our local Body of Christ.”
So compelling is the community of ID, that a young member recently told his parents: “I don’t want to leave this area right now. ID is extremely fun to be a part of and I don’t want to miss it.”
As for the future, Hunter hopes that “ID becomes a foundation for the Catholic community in our area.”
If you’re a young adult, Hunter invites you to take the plunge and try out ID.
"The Faith is at its best when it is lived intentionally with others.”
Join an ID small group or get ID Saginaw’s monthly newsletter by emailing idsaginaw@gmail.com. You can also follow @idsaginaw on Instagram and Facebook.
If you feel called to start a young adult group, connect with Taylor at tpiotrzkowski@diosag.org for resources, training and support.