A Kids’ Christmas
Saint Mary
Mother of God
Mary, the mother of Jesus, is our mother too. She is our model of how to respond to the word of God. When the angel Gabriel came to her and said, “Do not be afraid,” Mary responded with humility, faith and surrender. This is how we are to respond to God’s word too. Mary trusted God and went along with his plan. Let us ask our Blessed Mother to pray for us today. Thanks be to God for his holy mother.
Saint Joseph
Foster Father of Jesus
St. Joseph is the husband of the Virgin Mary and Jesus’ foster father. When he and Mary had to travel to Bethlehem and things got scary since they didn’t have a place to stay, St. Joseph protected Mary, and Jesus was born in the manger. St. Joseph is a model for us today because of his simple and humble obedience. He did what God asked him to do. Let us ask St. Joseph to pray for us, that we might obey God as he did.
Saint Nicholas
Patron of Children & Students
Feast Day: Dec. 6
Did you know St. Nicholas, a bishop who lived 300 years after Jesus, is the original Santa Claus? It’s true – he secretly tossed bags of gold through windows and chimneys to help children in need. St. Nicholas was known for his generosity and his faith. St. Nicholas was thankful, too, and we are thankful to God for giving us life and for all the people who care for us. That’s why at Christmas we try to be like him and give to others.