Joshua Robert Jasman
Joshua Robert Jasman was truly one in a million. According to his mother, Michelle Jasman, Josh was born caring about others. When he was very little and still in a car seat, he would ask her to stop along the road to help someone who looked needy—even if that someone was on the other side of the highway! This was just the beginning of a life lived for God and for others.
Joshua Robert Jasman was truly one in a million. According to his mother, Michelle Jasman, Josh was born caring about others. When he was very little and still in a car seat, he would ask her to stop along the road to help someone who looked needy—even if that someone was on the other side of the highway! This was just the beginning of a life lived for God and for others.
Josh was smart and loved reading, and when he received treat coupons for reading in fourth grade, he didn’t cash in his coupons right away. Instead, he saved them up until he had enough for the whole class. Then he bought all his St. James classmates a treat.
As a teen, Josh was visiting cousins in California before his illness. They had all just ordered pizza, but then Josh noticed a homeless man looking through the trash for food. He immediately got up and gave his pizza to that man.
Shortly after, Josh was diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma, a rare cancer that usually affects people between ages 10 and 20. Michelle said that even in the final stages of his disease, when Josh’s father Thomas had taken time off to help his son, Josh encouraged him to go hunting, a sport they both enjoyed.
With his family at his side, Josh fought a valiant five-year battle with Ewing’s sarcoma. He passed away on Oct. 20, 2009, just six days after his 20th birthday.
Josh attended St. James Grade School, where his mother said he received a wonderful education. He continued his education at All Saints Central High School and was a graduate of Bay City Central. He enjoyed playing and watching hockey, football, basketball, hunting, fishing and playing cards.
In Josh’s memory, the Josh Jasman Scholarship Fund was established in 2010 with the Catholic Community Foundation of Mid-Michigan (CCFMM). This advised fund was created in loving memory of Josh, who lived his life with the same fearless passion he lived his faith. Those who were touched by him during his life will be forever blessed. This fund creates additional opportunities for others to be blessed by Josh. The fund and the scholarships it provides have steadily grown— as of June 30, $73,750 in scholarships have been awarded.
Each year a golf outing for the fund is held at the Bay County Golf Course and the recipients of the scholarship are announced. This year’s event was June 25, and the recipients were Coltin Richardson, Desiree Killey, Grace Carley and Iris Grace Costilla.
“There was a great turnout for the Josh Jasman Golf Outing, and we don’t even advertise. We had a lot of volunteers and really appreciate their help and that of family and friends as well,” Michelle said.
For more information about the scholarship, please visit www.ccfmm.org/collegescholarships or contact the CCFMM at 989.303.9202.