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Faithful gather for annual Chrism Mass



“It was absolutely beautiful and moving,” said Sandy Kukla, a parishioner from Our Lady of Czestochowa in Bay City.  Although Kukla had heard about the Chrism Mass before, this was her first experience of the annual celebration.  

On Tuesday, April 4, priests, parish leaders and representatives from each parish community across the Catholic Diocese of Saginaw joined Bishop Robert Gruss at the Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption in Saginaw for the annual Chrism Mass.  

During the Chrism Mass, the holy oils used for the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders and Anointing of the Sick, as well as the Dedication of Churches and Consecration of Altars were blessed by Bishop Gruss. 

The oils were then distributed to representatives of each of the 56 parish communities for use within the diocese. The priests of the diocese concelebrated the Mass with Bishop Gruss and made a renewal of their priestly promises. 

“Being amongst all these fellow believers, with the singing and thunderous responses, it was overwhelming. I had goosebumps!” Kukla said. 

Sandy Kukla, a parishioner from Our Lady of Czestochowa in Bay City

In addition to priests of the Diocese, those gathered included deacons, seminarians, religious sisters, directors of parish life, lay ministers and parishioners.  

“The number of priests was really amazing and moving,” said Terrie Brown, a parishioner from Holy Spirit in Shields. “It was very beautiful and reverent, and the music was incredible.” 

More than 400 people gathered at the Chrism Mass, which was also available via livestream.   

Terrie Brown, a parishioner from Holy Spirit in Shields