Events - September/October 2023
Catholic Schools Celebration Mass
Date: Sunday, Sept. 17
Time: 2 p.m.
Principal celebrant: Bishop Robert Gruss
Location: Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption
This special Mass is open to all students, teachers, staff, families and supporters of our Catholic schools. Students and school representatives will be serving in the ministries and each school will be recognized. All are encouraged to wear your Catholic school colors. A reception in the Cathedral's lower level will follow Mass.
Emmaus Grief Retreat
Date: Saturday, Oct. 7
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Location: St. Francis de Sales Parish, Bridgeport
Cost: No cost; freewill offering
To register: Contact Deacon Gary or Arlene Patelski at 989.295.9908, 989.295.5849 or
Registration deadline: Sept. 25
For more information: Contact Deacon Gary or Arlene Patelski, above
Emmaus Ministry for Grieving Parents brings much-needed peace and comfort by focusing on the rich teachings of the Catholic Church. These retreats are for parents, by parents and are for anyone who has experienced the death of their child – no matter the cause or the amount of time that has passed since their child died.
The retreat includes group activities, silent reflection and the sharing from mothers and fathers about their deceased children and addresses the huge question of “Why?” Each child will be remembered in a special way during the retreat.
Diocesan Marriage Prep Day
Date: Saturday, Oct. 14
Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: Center for Ministry
Cost: $90/couple
To register: Online at
Registration deadline: Oct. 6
For more information: Contact Beth Bauer at or (989) 797-6655
Preparing for a life together is a journey of the heart and head. Sharing time discussing relevant topics which will directly impact your relationship and marriage are essential to a covenant marriage with God and each other. Diocesan marriage prep days will be offered quarterly and provide speakers offering a personal story from a young couple with children, presentations on the Sacrament of Marriage, the Catholic marriage ceremony, family of origin, conflict resolution, the five love languages, intimacy and natural family planning.
Evenings of Healing with Bishop Gruss
Date: Sept. 29 and Oct. 27
Principal celebrant: Bishop Robert Gruss
Location: Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption, 615 Hoyt Ave. in Saginaw.
Time: 5 p.m. Confessions | 6:30 p.m. Mass
Healing service to follow
All are welcome to encounter the love and mercy of the Divine Physician during an evening of healing with Bishop Robert Gruss and priests of the Diocese. The evening will include the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, praise and worship music and a healing service with prayer teams.
First Fridays with Bishop Gruss
Date: Oct. 6 and Nov. 3
Presenter: Bishop Robert Gruss
Location: Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption, 615 Hoyt Ave. in Saginaw.
Time: 11 a.m.- 1 p.m.
Cost: $8 for lunch, optional
To register: Online at or call (989) 799-7910. Registration is only needed for those attending the presentation and lunch.
Registration deadline: Oct. 4 and Nov. 1, respectively
Join Bishop Robert Gruss for Mass and an informal presentation. All are welcome to attend Mass. A meatless lunch and informal presentation will follow at noon in the lower level of the Cathedral. Due to limited seating, please register online if you plan to attend the presentation and lunch.
Michigan March for Life
Date: Wednesday, Nov. 8
Time: 11 a.m.
Location: Michigan State Capitol Building, Lansing
Cost: No cost
To register: Contact your local parish or Right to Life office
For more information: Contact Lori Becker at
All are invited to stand up for life on the first anniversary of the passing of Proposal 3, which enshrined abortion access in the Michigan State Constitution. This state March for Life, held in partnership with the national March for Life organization, is suited for all levels of experience and comfort with advocacy.
Many groups from across the Diocese will travel via bus and meet in Lansing for the rally and march.
Safe Environment Facilitated Training
Safe Environment Facilitated Training helps individuals recognize and prevent abuse by teaching the signs of possible abuse, means of reporting and the impact of sexual abuse and its many forms. Training for adults is offered throughout the Diocese and is open to all who wish to receive the training. All schools and religious education programs have programs for minors, parents and caregivers. The Code of Conduct describes appropriate boundaries for clergy, all employees of the Diocese and all parish and school volunteers.
To register: Online at; select your preferred date
Date: Monday, Sept. 11
Presenter: Ilene Dowling and Carol Vos
Location: St. Gabriel Parish Hall, St. Joseph Church, 84 W. Midland Road Auburn
Time: 6 to 8:30 p.m.
For more information: Contact Barbara Hendrickson at or 989.662.6431
Date: Monday, Sept. 25
Presenter: Ilene Dowling
Location: Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption, 615 Hoyt Ave., Saginaw
Time: 6 to 8:30 p.m.
For more information: Contact Sister Mary Danielle Johnson, RSM at or 989.752.8119
Date: Monday, Oct. 2
Presenter: Beth and Richard Kindermann
Location: St. Mary School, 220 W. Downie St., Alma
Time: 6 to 9 p.m.
For more information: Contact Reyna Cervantes at or
Date: Monday, Oct. 16
Location: St. Brigid of Kildare School, 207 Ashman St., Midland
Time: 6 to 8:30 p.m.
For more information: Contact Sue Landis at or 989.835.7121 ext. 31
If you are a victim/survivor of clergy abuse or know of someone who is, you are urged to make direct contact with local law enforcement and the Michigan Attorney General’s investigation hotline at 844.324.3374. You are also welcome to contact the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 989.797.6682 or The Victim Assistance Coordinator can assist victims in obtaining counseling services.
If you have cause to suspect a child or young person is being neglected or abused by anyone, immediately contact the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services at its 24/7 hotline number: 855.444.3911. If you are currently witnessing child abuse or neglect, call 911.