Thumb area parishioners experience the Lord in Eucharistic Revival Nights
As Catholics across the nation draw closer to our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament through the National Eucharistic Revival, Holy Family Parish in Sandusky/Marlette/Peck offered a series of opportunities for local faithful. The four Evenings of Eucharistic Revival included praise and worship music and intercessory prayer teams present to facilitate healing and encounter with the Lord Jesus.
“I think it’s an experience that more people, especially in the Thumb, should experience,” said parishioner Kate Dekoski, adding that traveling hours away to attend similar events is a challenge for some. “It’s great for our community.”
According to the official website, the National Eucharistic Revival is “the joyful, expectant grassroots response of the Church in the U.S. to the divine invitation to be united once again around the source and summit of our faith in the celebration of the Eucharist. Through the Eucharist, God desires to heal, renew and unify the world and the Church.”
The three-year movement began with the Year of Diocesan Revival, followed by the Year of Parish Revival. The final year, which began with the National Eucharistic Congress (see page 16) is the Year of Missionary Sending.
Deacon Jake Huysentruyt of Holy Family Parish was asked to organize the four evenings, which included two at St. Joseph Church in Sandusky, one at St. Elizabeth Church, Marlette and one at St. John the Evangelist Church, Peck. Deacon Jake was moved by the success and attendance.
“A lot of people came out, as many as a Sunday Mass. Even people who don't normally attend our church but who wanted to experience adoration, the ambiance and the music [came],” he said. “[Holy Family Parish has] been wanting to expand on the national movement. We have been offering adoration two to three times a week, so these evening events were another part [of that].”
Kate volunteered as a prayer team leader, which was her first year doing anything like this. She found the evenings brought “immense gratitude.” Attendees met with prayer leaders throughout the event and asked for specific prayers. Some asked for healing, while others asked to grown in their faith and get closer to God.
“I get choked up talking about it. I really felt God's presence, and felt closer to our Lord,” she said. “It’s the extra nudge that I was feeling [while I was there], like that I was on the right path and doing something right with my life. I felt encouraged.”
The revival evenings included soft candle lighting and a reverent atmosphere and music, which were moving to Kate and other attendees.
“It was a different way to experience Jesus. All of the candles and the music were beautiful, and it was peaceful and quiet. I was thankful to be asked to be part of the event,” she said.
Kate hopes the parish continues to host events like this, and she is continuing to stay close to God. One habit is praying first thing every morning. She finds the quiet moments a good way to start her day, and that the time for reflection gives her peace.
Holy Family parishioner and revival night attendee Jackie Cripps believes events like the Evenings of Eucharistic Revival can also bring the community closer.
“I enjoyed talking with everyone when we were all done. I felt closer to our [church] community. We shared our experiences. It was nice,” she said.
Jackie attended all four events with her mom, Nancy, and brother, Terry. She says she’s working on increasing her faith and has become more involved in the church over the past two years. Jackie found the events with its beautiful lighting, music and uplifting atmosphere very moving.
“I attended the first one and enjoyed it so much, I was determined to attend all of them,” she said.
She especially appreciated the peacefulness.
“I was able to focus when there was less of the outside noise,” she said.
Deacon Jake agrees that is vital for one’s faith life.
“Being present [with] the Eucharist where God can quietly speak to you— in my personal journey of faith, I carve out time for it,” he said. “Tell me when and where there is adoration, and I’ll be there.”